A Day in the Life of Engineering Graduate Rory Swanson

8:00 – When I arrive, I clock in and make my way to the office. I get to my desk and check my emails, ensuring all tasks set from previous day have been completed and approved. If I have any outstanding tasks, I will be able to review them in my meeting this morning with my mentor.

8:30 – I make my way to the meeting room to discuss any work I have completed, outline progress I have made and be given new tasks to work on. Today I need to read the ball valve design handbook to gain an understanding of the calculations required for a ball valve before I start working on the design.

9:00 – I start by reading books, design standards and past documents to better my understanding of ball valves before I begin.

10:30 – Now I have done enough research, I am able to start populating and reviewing the ball valve design calculation. If I have a problem I will be able to seek guidance from an engineer or my mentor.

12:00 – Lunch time, I usually eat in the canteen with a couple of the other graduates.

12:30 – Back to my desk to check my emails. I reply to a few that were delivered while I was on lunch.

12:45 – One of the emails I received requires me to send further information to the manufacturing department for the production of a part. Before the part can be manufactured, I need to add the necessary information to the drawing and send it back over as quickly as I can. I then pick up where I left off with the ball valve design calculations.

3:30 – For the last half an hour I collate all of the work I have carried out today. If any of my work needs approval, I consult a manager to ensure my work is correct and to a good standard before it is finalised.

4:00 – Home time!